BOYS WILL BE BOYS – Greyson Perry exhibition

“The rise of gyms, factories of cosmetic muscle, is partly down to an increased desire to sculpt an idealised body – a body not formed by experience, but to fulfil a well-marketed visual stereotype”- Greyson Perry

Cross dresser and artist Greyson Perry may have just hit the nail on the head. From seeing his art exhibition in Bristol just the other day… (WHICH EVERYONE SHOULD CHECK OUT!! ) has really opened my eyes to one of two things. Behind the North face and marijuana these are all boys with the same values, to protect their territory and families and keep a high status among a group of testosterone hungry lads.

These boys rely on their exterior image, if they showed an interest in anything other than their local cultures laddish ‘norm’, in this particular situation it could lead to the loss of their life, seen as weak, a failure to their duty. The clip attached I think shows the extremes we have in our culture and how there are still different ideas of what values and image should be celebrated.

Perry also a man, but he celebrates his individuality on a regular basis from cross dressing; a much different view on masculinity compared to these boys. Yet both still men. So living in the 21st century where individualism is accepted more so than ever, is this really true? Does it still depend on your upbringing and the general consensus of the area you live in? These boys seem to be trapped in a hierarchal area ran by alter egos.  But is this really how they want to spend their life?

It seems sad in a world where so much is celebrated, there still is a dark area filled where your exterior persona is the only importance, giving people a lack of depth or even a chance to understand who they really are. Having to constantly keep up with each other and the labelled ‘road boy’ stereotype. These boys in tracksuits could have similar ideas to those in suits, but just from their image it disadvantages them in our society, given less of a chance in life.

So  IGNORE what image says about someone or just IGNORE the conventional values that are attached to an image, boys are just as much under the pressure of image, just the same as girls. We’re all exposed to the idea on how we should be and act, but that is just to fuel the ‘well marketed stereotype’.  Sometimes letting your vulnerabilities shine can be the making of you. Greyson’s cross dressing may have been one of his, the acceptance and exploration of it has helped him make himself and his art, not only this but an insight to the different types of people we live amongst. BOYS DON’T JUST HAVE TO BE BOYS!!!!